
Thoughts and ideas from The Reflective Designer
When to work with an interior designer for your office
November 7, 2019 at 12:00 AM
by The Reflective Designer

On average, we spend a third of our lives at work. Because of this, it makes sense to create a working environment that you adore. If you've started to feel as though your office is missing something, it may be time to hire an interior designer. At The Reflective Designer, we're here to help you decide when you should work with one.

You want to make your office conducive to working

Great working environments don't just happen by accident. In the last decade or so, we've begun placing more emphasis on creating spaces that are conducive to employee happiness.

If you've started to feel as though your office space no longer works for you, hire an interior designer. They can use space planning tools to create an environment that supports your business's aims. As a result, you may find that people become more productive and happy in your workplace.

You want an overhaul while saving money

If you've been laboring under the assumption that interior designers are costly, you may not see them as a way to save money. Despite having to pay the designer fee, there are ways that using our services can help you save.

For example, you're not going to make purchases that you don't go on to use. Additionally, you won't make mistakes that you need to rectify. Our skills lie in figuring out what's best for your setting and finding it. In the long run, this could help you save money. Additionally, our connections with local professionals means we can put your plans into action quickly.

You don't have much time to repurpose a space

Whether you're moving to another part of your building or you've purchased one that requires renovation, time is of the essence. The time you dedicate to refurbishing could be spent focusing on other areas of your business.

At The Reflective Designer, we know how to repurpose spaces quickly. At the same time, we achieve the levels of quality you'd expect when hiring a professional. When you give us a timescale, we'll do our best to work to it. As a result, you could find yourself using your new space sooner than you think. Once you're in your new space, you can return to making money.

You want to achieve more with your office

Do you ever get the feeling that you're not achieving as much as you would like? When this applies to your working space, life soon becomes frustrating. This is a problem we frequently see among our clients. They know they can achieve more with their office, but they're not sure how.

As trained professionals, we have an eye for the things you may be missing. We can assess your office and look for potential assets you may have missed. We'll also use space planning tools to create plans for your new environment and discuss them with you before moving ahead with the project.

You are rebranding soon

Many companies reach a stage where they need to rebrand. Whether you want to modernize or you're aiming for a new audience, changing your image can be important.

As part of the rebranding process, you may hire an interior designer to help make your environment match your company's mission and values. They can help apply your brand's image to your office. As a result, you'll create a professional environment that's appealing to your employees and clients.

At The Reflective Designer, we plan offices and use space planning tools to our clients' advantage. If you'd like to discuss your workplace with us, call 978-897-7767 for our Stow, MA office or 480-247-3367 for our Phoenix and Scottsdale branches.