The Benefits of Space Planning for Your Home

Interior design is beneficial for homeowners and home-sellers alike. For homeowners, you may be looking to spruce up your home’s overall vibe, and for home-sellers, you may be looking to highlight your space at its best for potential buyers. No matter which category you fall into, space planning is key to successful interior design.

Just like you’ve walked into a home and thought “wow, I love this space,” you’ve probably walked into a home and thought “wow, I hate this space.” Interior design isn’t one size fits all—and it can make or break your space.

That’s precisely why our dedicated team at Reflective Design in Phoenix, AZ is well-versed in the art of space planning. Space planning is vital to the overall cohesion of your space. No matter how talented an interior designer is, there’s no accounting for poor planning. If you’re interested in decorating your space, read on for some key benefits of pre-decoration space planning in Phoenix, AZ.

Assuring proper lighting

Lighting is a key component of any room’s design. Don’t believe us? Just go into your living room and turn off any lamps or other secondary lighting, and turn on your overhead light. Maybe it’s great for looking for your keys, but an overhead light kills ambience.

Still, you want your home to feature elegant touches of necessary lighting. That’s where spacial planning becomes key. Properly planning for how you can utilize your space allows you to integrate lighting in an organic and aesthetically pleasing way. For instance, you may consider that your living room has large windows and doesn’t need lighting during the day—thus your lamps and secondary lighting should be warm and soft, so as not to overwhelm you in the evening. This is foresight you may not have had if you didn’t account for space planning.

Boosting functionality

Another key benefit of spacial planning is ensuring and boosting a space’s overall functionality. Planning and thoroughly accounting for a particular room’s layout allows you to integrate a holistic design that maximizes your space’s potential. Too often, it’s clear that interior design has been applied without much thought to the space’s functionality, with walkways being cluttered and oversized couches being stuffed into rooms.

If you take a thorough look at your space and note what works and what doesn’t. Space planning allows you to consider the architecture of your space and only integrate interior design that will add to your space’s functionality and overall appeal.

Easy furniture selection

Have you ever been in a furniture store and stared down a couch you love wondering “will this even fit in my front door?” Space planning is a surefire fix for this struggle. By cataloging your space and noting dimensions, doorways, and windows, you can shop for furniture knowing exactly what you’re looking for. This not only saves you time, but money.

Personalized design

Your home is unique, and it should be given a unique design plan. Space planning is one of the best ways to ensure that your home is getting a truly unique approach to its interior design. When our team at Reflective Design approaches space planning, we thoroughly look at your home and note anything that can help guide our design approach. We, then, integrate your home’s unique characteristics in our design plan and ensure that your home gets a truly one of a kind makeover.

Get in touch with design experts at Reflective Design today!

Space planning in Phoenix, AZ is key to smart interior design. Our experts at Reflective Design are ready and eager to not only help you plan your space, but design it to perfection—fitting your unique standards and taste perfectly. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation and begin the interior design process.